Saturday, April 27, 2019

Endgame (April 24, 2019)


For some, it is the beginning that matters, while for others, it is the current status or middle part that counts while for the shrewd, it is always about the ending (or for the purpose of this writing, the endgame).  This article is about this writer’s musing about the epilogue.  The prologue might be interesting; it explains the origin of what and whom.  The epilogue however shows the summation of all events leading to such and such.

The film of the year or the most anticipated film of the year starts its screening today, April 24, 2019.  Ironically, the story centers on a juvenile plotline of people with extraordinary powers against villains with exceptional powers as well.  Biblically, it is a classic tale of good versus evil and normally, after an initial failure and downfall – the good always trumps over evil.

The same is true for this latest Avengers installment aptly entitled “Endgame”.  While it is a mini tradition now in my family to watch this film on its opening day, for the first time this day, I skipped work in the morning to view the film first thing in the morning (around 8 AM at SM Fairview) so as to finally settle the nagging issue in my mind; about what happens after the first part/installment of the film titled “Infinity War”.

And true to form, the film does not disappoint, issues were settled and plotlines were closed.  I was just looking at the entire SM Cinemas in the entire archipelago and not surprisingly, all of them will show nothing but the latest Avengers installment.  That is a nationwide showing for only one film, not counting the other smaller movie houses in the country.

Sociologically, the significance of this is that people are again going to the movies, this proves the theory that the practice of movie watching is still alive and that if there is a quality film about and around, people would line up – spend hard earned money, just to see and enjoy them.  People are again with one another, going in line, braving the summer heat, just to be together with someone who is important to them personally and watch movies.  People are again spending time with one another to bond and to enjoy each other’s company.  People again are relating and are renewing their relationship and ironically; this film is making it all happen.  The good and the just will always win in the end.

Economically, good and great movies still deliver blockbuster revenues which in turn illuminate and inspire moviegoers.  The producers will make a killing, in terms of revenues and this in turn will give them more courage to create films that is inherently good and not just commercially viable.  Short of being heroic, the creators, the doers, the people who made this particular film possible deserves a pat on the shoulder.  A pat for a job well done and timely done as well.

Psychologically, people still long for the ideal men.  Men who are inherently good; men who are able to do extraordinary things; to right a wrong; to defend the weak and to be godlike in the dispensation of justice. 

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