Monday, September 9, 2019

Not all languages are created equal

Not all languages are created equal

The mastery or usage of a language is never a determinant of a person’s intelligence but just like any normal individual, people commonly equate a language mastery with intellectual superiority.

Right or wrong, in the Philippines, English proficiency is unfairly equated with above-average intelligence; whenever an individual displays a certain mastery of the colonial English language, the unstated assumption always is that this person must be an intelligent person, hence must be treated differently.

To the common mind, usually operating under the Helmholz likelihood principle and unconscious inference might be true but for the uncommon mind with a complex uncommon sense, such an assumption does not necessary follows.  For the select few, they look at the content of the message, they examine the language, and more on the fallacy of logic used to argue a certain point.

The same argument in the same context and usage but delivered in either in English and Filipino yields different consideration and affirmation.  Depending on the recipient of the message, not all languages are created equal.  The common masses now tend to view Filipino as common while the English language as something that is a notch above.

The twist here is that value of English is deemed high though the impact on the intended recipients is lesser as opposed to the usage of the Filipino nomenclature.

Hence, if one wants to reach a broader audience, the use of Filipino is more effective while English appears more elitist.  Currently, the use of either English and Filipino and its effectiveness in the delivery of message is dependent on the recipient of the message.

And at the risk of being redundant, not all languages are created equal, some are just plainly more effective compared to others.  Besides, using “shit” is always better than using “tae”.

September 9, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019



Philosophically, perception is just an image of something that is more tangible.  Psychologically, perception is an interpretation of a person, a place, a thing or even an event.  And since this is psychological, such is subjective and such is far from reality.  Perception might approximate reality but it will never be an equivalent of reality.

Herman von Helmholz (1821-1894) postulated that the human eye sees things differently, hence there is a multitude of version of what one is actually perceiving, the main reason that we are seeing things uniformly is because of the existence of likelihood principle and the process of unconscious inference.  Theoretically, perception could distort reality depending on the state of the senses and cognition of an individual.

One way of using and manipulating the concept of perception is the usage of words and language.  Joseph Goebbels once said that a lie oftentimes repeated becomes the truth.  So a practical application of perception would be to lie so as to distort reality and bending a reality according to what one would like it be.  Just like a painter, reality is your canvass.  According to the usage, manipulation and subtlety of reality bending lies being utilized.

A caveat for this perception bending design (i.e lying), though one could get away for a time, or even get away most of the time; one cannot get away with lying all the time.  Philosophically, the truth eventually comes out.  Reality eventually supersedes perception.

In the realm of cognitive psychology, for a time, perception could be distorted but eventually, reality exposes everything. 

September 7, 2019  


The God of Fury

Somewhere in the realm of Olympus, there is a god of fury.  Though there is much focus and stories expended on the exploits of Zeus, Athena, Loki or even Mercury, there is a god that is seldom mentioned and whispered only when necessary, among trusted friends.

He is the god of fury.  Now this god doesn’t even have a proper name but all of the named and famous Greek gods have played host and most assuredly played second fiddle to his ploys, whims and exploits.  Behind every godly tantrum, his signature is always found and established.  In fact, only a handful is aware that the first Great War in Olympus that eventually banished the titans bears the signature of this unknown god.

Yes, there is a god of intrigue, a god of deception and even a god of lies.  The god of fury however is very subtle.  He doesn’t take the credit but his creation is there to see for those who are willing to see and appreciate his tapestry of creation.

And now, in this era, time and age.  The age principally dedicated to the advancement of science, pleasure and comfort.  This god lives amongst us.  He is unknown, he is seldom noticed, but he is always lurking within the fringe of our psyche.

Crimes of passion are his usual handiworks, but the more subtle art of bearing grudges is his masterpiece.

Humans have committed crimes in his name.  Death, injury and chaos are the usual derivative of his work.  Sometimes, people wake up angry – sometimes, people sleep with anger in their hearts.  But regardless whether one is sleeping or waking up, one’s anger always lead to something regrettable later on.

So how do we control and contained this destructive god?  An effective mantra was devised to counter his influence.  “It is not right to be angry, if you are right – you do not have to, if you are wrong – you cannot afford to”.
We really have to control our fury, because if we don’t?  We will always be under the influence of this crafty god.

There is a battle for supremacy that is being waged in his name.  We really ought to triumph over this challenge or we will be forever under his rule and whims.  He who controls his anger wins. He may gnash his teeth, beat his chest or even shout inside your mind – but if you don’t give in to his impulse and influence, one is usually able to tame him.  And he might leave you alone.  But such is no guarantee that he wouldn’t be back later.

If you listen hard enough, you might even hear the whisper of his name…  He goes by the name of Temper…