Monday, May 14, 2018

Daily Grind 040118

Daily grind (040118)

Today is April 1, 2018, some history buff would say that today is also considered as an April’s fool’s day.  Meaning, people would be pranking other people because historically, such have been the tradition even during the medieval times.  The prank however was brutal, people were killed and downright executed on this day but as the tradition was watered down, no more deaths rule was implemented, though people were still being consciously fooled.
Based on the lunar calendar, today was also an Easter Sunday.  

For the Catholics, the implication was that he is risen and the act of human salvation from sin is complete.  Mankind is now saved from the clutches of sin and people are now out of the darkness.
But more than anything else, people by tomorrow, would be trekking back to their daily grind.  Work will have to continue (though there is another long weekend because of National Heroes Day) and people need to be productive again.  The difficulty here lies when people have lost their momentum of daily grind and have to re-start their mindset, coming off a long vacation and travelling back from the province.

And once you have groove, once you are over the hump, there is another long weekend, breaking again the momentum of actually working.  Traffic would be light by virtue of the start of the summer where majority of classes are suspended and only irregular students would have to undergo a summer class, either for students who are behind or trying to advance and or catch up with their projective graduation dates.

This thought or idea have been forwarded before, but we really need to lessen our holidays, comparatively speaking, we have one of the most number of official holidays in the planet.  We are festive, we celebrate so many days, and we even suspend work and classes just to celebrate these days.

Our productivity is already affected, we need to shape up, catch up and work more to produce more.  Be it in the business of manufacturing goods or providing services, we as a country needs to carry our load and soldier on for productivity.

Besides, every time there is a holiday, there is an upswing or increase in the number of crimes being committed.  Check any DILG or PNP data, and they will show and confirm that after every holiday (regardless of rationale for such), there is increased number of crimes being committed.

The solution really is quite obvious, lesser celebration, lesser crime and this in turn leads to increased productivity.  Unfortunately, the culture is quite soft is not downright damaged in this issue.  People want the perpetuation of the status quo, people want to retain the unproductive calendar and the continuation of laziness via the celebration of so many holidays.

Someone really needs to break this cycle or the status quo would continue to damage the next generation of Filipinos – believing that in order to properly celebrate any occasion, disruption of whatever calendared work ought to be suspended or delayed.

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