Sunday, December 20, 2015

2016 National Elections

2016 National Elections

There are simply too many candidates for the coming 2016 elections.  For the position of Chief Executive or Presidency alone, the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) had to disqualify 100 candidates.  For the position of Vice-President, the COMELEC had to disqualify 9 candidates and for the senator position, 96 wannabees were disqualified.

The main criterion being that these candidates have no means to conduct a nationwide campaign.  They are only famous in the privacy of their own universe.  Some candidates are even just plain old delusional.  Clinically, there is something wrong with their sanity.

But what about the candidates who were allowed to run by the COMELEC?  With so many allegations against them, one would think that hiding or backing out of the campaign exercise would be the reasonable thing to do.  One candidate is accused of being a plunderer; one is accused of being literally a killer (and by his own admission to boot), one is accused of being not a natural born Filipino, one came from a presidential pedigree (without the distinction of a solid accomplishment), and one, that by her own personal admission via her own column, suffered nervous breakdown.

Unfortunately for the republic, the one of the enumerated above will ascend to the position of Chief Executive and that would be that. 

Somebody once said that the Philippines is gifted with the most beautiful people in the planet, the most beautiful plants and fauna, the most beautiful environment but cursed with people in government.  And why is that?  Because if the Philippines have a good and functional government, then such would be the equivalent of heaven on earth.  And god in his own sense of humor does not want that.

Hence, this coming 2016 elections, the electorate is cursed with limited and poor choices, and that no matter who the victor is, bad and inefficient governance is to be expected.

One of the many goals of psychology is the prediction of human behavior.  With these limited and poor choices before us, it is easy to predict that yes – there will be a change of administration but it will be still the same insensitive and inefficient government again for the next six years (or three years, if one counts the midterm elections).

It is easy to predict that a killer president (by his own admission), will cause more harm than good for the country.  Just imagine the number of human rights that will be violated in the next six years.  Situation such as this, will clamor for a hero or a savior that will surely rise out of this Frankenstein presidency.  Regrets will hound us up to the very end of this potential presidency.

It is easy to predict that a thief, once elected to the position of presidency, will further enrich himself and his family and will surely steal some more.   What’s a couple of billion here and there.

It is easy to predict that insanity breeds more insanity, and that one does not really get cured with nervous breakdown, that for the many challenges of the country, mental stability for the state of mind of the chief executive is a mandatory requirement for rational and logical executive decisions.

It is easy to predict that mediocrity will only lead to mediocre performance.  What the country need right now is a hardworking individual, who is willing to go the distance and work his way to greatness.  A mediocre individual does not inspire greatness, intrinsically or extrinsically among others.

It is easy to predict that the lesser the accomplishment in the past, the lesser the accomplishment in future.  There is no such thing as hoping for the best, which somehow, a divine intervention would transpire, sparing the country from another waste of six years.

They say that the presidency in the country is not something that one aspires for.  They say that the presidency in this republic is acquired via destiny.

And with these possible scenarios, just what is the destiny of the republic?  With all of these predictive scenarios, I could still be wrong in my current reading of events.

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