Monday, September 22, 2014

Proposed bill for the office of Rep. Earlpe John M. Amante 1404

Water is just being delivered by Maynilad and Manila Waters Corporation.  These concessionaires are not creating a product; they are just delivering a service.  In these difficult times, a certain extension or leeway must be extended to the Filipino masses when it comes to settling their utility bills.

This bill is a call for the extension of deadline of payment of water utility bills of four (4) months.  Times are difficult and economically, people are still reeling from the different economic dislocation caused by man and nature.

                                                             AN ACT

            SECTION 1. Title. – This act shall be known as the “Extension of Payment for Water Utilities for Four (4) Months”.
            SECTION 2.  Declaration of Policy. – During hard and trying economic times, an extension for the deadline of payment for Filipinos in their utility bills is a welcome respite.  Filipinos with due bills to pay are not going anywhere; they will still have to settle their bills, this proposed act is just a breathing room for Filipinos to recuperate in these difficult time.
            SECTION 3. Definitions. – As used in this act, the following terms shall mean:
            (a)  Due date – the date from which bills will have to be settled or else, a service interruption occurs.
            SECTION 4.  Regulatory power.  All matters related to the payment issues and cases will be under the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA).
            SECTION 5.  Penalty.  Maynilad and Manila Water Corporation will be sanctioned with a fine of not less than One Million Pesos (P100,000,000) but not more than Three Million Pesos (P300,000,000).
            Corporate officers such as the President, Vice-President, Corporate Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager shall be punished by prison mayor and its medium and maximum periods and a fine not less than One Million Pesos (P1,000,000) but not exceeding Two Million Pesos (P2,000,000).
            SECTION 6.  Repealing clause.  All laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
            SECTION 7.  Separability clause.  If any provision of this act is held invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected hereby shall remain valid and subsisting.
            SECTION 8.  Effectivity.  This act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in at least two (2) national newspaper of general circulation.

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