Monday, September 22, 2014

Bill drafted for the office of Rep. Earlpe John M. Amante 1408


The most convenient and economical mode of transportation nowadays is a motorcycle.  With the horrendous traffic and with no immediate solution in sight for traffic, a motorcycle is the next best alternative.  A motorcycle is now also the preferred mode of transportation of the working Filipino.  When a brand new car could cost hundreds of thousands of pesos, a brand new motorcycle cost only a fraction of the price of a brand new car.

To regulate criminality, police checkpoints are put in place to specifically target motorcycles over other vehicles or mode of transportation.  When the government targets a certain portion of the riding public, such constitute discrimination and such shouldn’t be perpetuated by the government.

A “check point” should check and assess all passing vehicles and not just target motorcycles in general in their checkpoints.

It is because of this anomaly that the enactment of this bill into a law is requested.

                                                          AN ACT

          SECTION 1. Title. – This act shall be known as the “No Discrimination in Government Actions”.
          SECTION 2.  Declaration of Policy. – A decent government should be about equality and justice. The government should have no part in perpetuating discrimination among its citizens.
          SECTION 3. Definitions. – As used in this act, the following terms shall mean:
          (a)  Discrimination– refers to any act committed by the government that targets a specific motor vehicles over other vehicles.
          (b)  Checkpoint – refers to a barricade that prevents the ease of flow of vehicles.
          SECTION 4.  Regulatory power.  All matters related to this act will be under the supervision of the Commission on Human Rights and the Philippine National Police.
          SECTION 5.  Repealing clause.  All laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
          SECTION 6.  Separability clause.  If any provision of this act is held invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected hereby shall remain valid and subsisting.
          SECTION 7.  Effectivity.  This act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in at least two (2) national newspaper of general circulation.

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