Monday, May 14, 2018

Basketball 032618

Basketball (032618)

Personally, one of the greatest joy of being a father is playing basketball with your male children.  Some years back, I was able to play with my two kids, the joy of playing with them is beyond description.  There is something magical that happens when you give them pointers on how to make a simply shot, how to defend, how to position oneself in rebounding and how to play smart basketball as opposed to rigid type of play.

How I pity fathers who do not have male children to play basketball with.  Now after playing physical basketball, and just to keep current with the digital kids nowadays – I recently bought a playstation game of NBA.  The game is already dated, I bought two NBA games for year 2013 and 2014.  The players have already moved to another teams, some were traded and some were already retired.
But the game is still the same, the players may have changed but the game is still played according to the basketball philosophy that one subscribed to.

2014 is the year of NBA superstar Le Bron James.  The game was inherently made to showcase his talent.  If you have Miami Heat as your team, you give the ball to James and he will make things happen.  I tell you, the character couldn’t make a mistake.

Now, my youngest child, challenged me to a playstation NBA game and while browsing the possible teams to play with, I came across the Chicago Bulls team led by Michael Jordan in the 90’s and I selected this team as my playstation team.  My youngest child, who is now my opponent, picked the Minnesota Timberwolves.
The game was a riot, I easily burned the basket with the superlative plays of Michael Jordan.  My son, not knowing who Michael Jordan was, was asking my other son, how could this character make no mistakes.

Michael Jordan was unstoppable.  From the outside, to the inside, from defending to his magical jumpers, it was a joy to behold.  A time travel back in the 90’s via the mighty Chicago Bulls.
Long story short, I won the game with a margin of more than 20 points and ironically, introduced Michael Jordan to my two sons.  This was one of the rare moments where I get to play the digital superior and teach my arrogant sons the value of knowing basketball history. 

In the 1990’s, there was only one basketball god and one basketball team worth following; Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls.
My youngest son vowed to play harder and better next time, in fact, along with his brother, they were already training on how to dunk, how to defend, how to do an alley hoop and other basketball tricks.  And in silence, I fear that they indeed would get better and beat me sooner than later.

The joy however is mine alone, this is one of the perks of fatherhood.  Introducing new things, ideas, notions and concepts that would yield to a better version of mini-me’s.  I thoroughly enjoyed this one rare basketball moment, though this happen inside a gaming console with a dated NBA game.

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