Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On Blogging

On blogging (April 9, 2012)

Truth be said, I am really at a lost about the etymology of “blog” but from what I initially gathered, such was derived from the word “web log” or literally, on-line diary.  From a simple blog to the much loved social media (i.e. friendster, facebook, twitter etc.) the blog have come a long way and is continuously evolving in usage and utility.

Some people look down on blogging.  One movie that I recently saw said that it is nothing but a graffiti with punctuation marks.  Historically, everything that is big currently started somewhere small.  All generals came from a lowly private rank.

Rock and roll was initially tagged as devils music, but if one were to talk about the music known as rock and roll now, the initial label is the farthest thing in one’s mind.

When the first Harry Potter book became a movie hit (followed by 7 more films), some religious nut forbade it from the children saying that such a book encourages witchcraft and then indirectly devil worship but really, when will people stop labeling and just remove the veil from their eyes.  They are no different from the current bunch of loony cults that advocates mass suicide to prepare for the next coming or reckoning.
Religion itself is not guilt free.  Millions of lives were destroyed in the name of one god that is superior over other gods.

Blogging is writing.  The medium is in the internet.  Some people look down on the internet but very recently, internet connectivity is now considered a human right.  In fact, the next demarcation line that will differentiate the haves from the have-nots would be those who have ready and available internet access as opposed to those who have no access to the internet.

William Shakespeare was initially thought to be mentally unstable with no talent whatsoever in writing and I would imagine who is now laughing in his grave.  If it weren’t for the latter, the English language wouldn’t be the dominant language that it is today.  It is the lingua franca of business because of Shakespeare.
Blogging is here to stay and it will continue to grow in stature and utility.  Yes, it needs a lot of improvement but it will evolve into a better medium for understanding and communication.  There is a push to be a paperless office in practice and not just in theory and we are really headed in that direction. for the past two years have always advertised that their sales of e-books have already exceeded the number of paper books transaction on-line hence the mad rush to capture and dominate the e-book readers’ category.  Somewhere, there is a profit to be made thus the great tablet computer wars.
Right now, the tablet computers have already outsold its nearest cousin the net-book and allow me to conclude that such is such because of the encoded word in the internet principally propelled  in web logs or blogs.  The reading habit is changing and it will never go back to what it was before.
Hail to the blog and long live the bloggers!

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