Thursday, May 19, 2011

Commentaries - Osama Bin Laden

May 13, 2011
I met three psychology students of mine who graduated last March. Surprisingly, all of them are still unemployed. All the while, I was under the assumption that most of my psychology graduate students would be employed by now. A tracer study is really in order, to further validate these inaccurate assumptions.

The one year ban on the appointment of political personalities who lost in the last election is now over, it is now again an open season to recycle used and rejected political creatures. The fear now is that, President Aquino might appoint rejected politicians who are unreliable or incompetent. Besides, the popular concept is that, President Aquino might be appointing these creatures just to pay off some political debts.

I just couldn’t understand hypocrisy and contradiction. People spend a lifetime living by adhering to an unexamined code only to find out later in their life that the philosophy that they live by is erroneous. Sometimes, they come to a realization that such a philosophy is wrong, but for the sake of familiarity and inability to jump out of their comfort zone, they knowingly practice and still follow the discredited mindset.

People are blind to the reality that there are just too many inconsistencies and fallacious that is still considered bible truth. The bible itself is filled with inconsistencies. That if one would total everything, fallibility would eventually come to fore.

Personally, I don’t judge a person by his religion. I base my estimation on what one has between his ears, character and integrity. There is no right or wrong religion. If one’s religion makes a person a better individual, then by all means, stick to that religion. My red flag for a religion that is wrong is when it makes people intolerant of the existence of other religion. The moment the representative of your religion instruct you to hate and kill people – then something is wrong.

Literally, the religion is derived from the word “religare” which literally means “to bind”. Religion is supposed to bind people to god, to your family, and to your community. These situations with terrorism, in whatever flavor, which calls for blood, is just wrong. Religion, by itself, is already a strong brew – a mixture with terrorism is just plain wrong.

The execution of Osama Bin Laden gives a respite to the violence that is happening in the Middle East. Though a usual retaliation is happening here and there – the execution however gives a closure to the victims of 9/11 suicide attack a decade ago.

Realistically, someone will just have to move to the position vacated by Bin Laden, the message however is that, no matter where you are hiding – eventually, justice would extract its payment.

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